“Accurate Enough” Isn’t Good Enough

True “accuracy” is when the array designed fits perfectly on install day.

What Does Accuracy Mean to You?

Sales: Never have to overpromise and underdeliver

Installers: Never adjust anything on-site; the design fits every time

O&M: Always know before you go

Executives: Uphold a reputation as a quality-first organization

Surveyors: Capture every measurement without compromising safety

Designers: Digitized site data in one place to design quickly without revisions


As Texas-based Dynamic SLR grew, manual survey methods did not scale. Committed to their quality-first culture, they set out to find a better solution. Learn how they saved hours per design, increased capacity, & eliminated roof climbs while maintaining the accuracy & quality they’re known for. 

How Does It Work?

A 10-minute drone flight delivers 8X better resolution than consumer satellite imagery; what you see on-site is what you get in your design, every time.

Drone-Level Site

Our proprietary photogrammetry engine transforms reality into a 3D model purpose-built for PV system design.

Reality Capture Solar Software Creates Your Canvas

Scanifly’s solar design suite enables designers to automatically detect obstructions and create precise layouts without guesswork or manual measuring.

Solar-Specific Design Tools Built for Your Needs

Shading and Production Estimates You Can Count On

Scanifly’s virtual solar access viewsheds allow you to generate an on-site shade analysis that’s as accurate as the SunEye, without ever leaving your desk

Explore More Resources

Scanifly’s Commitment to Accuracy: Our R&D Process in Action

Follow along as our customers go through our proof-of-value process and find Scanifly perfectly accurate for installs without extra truck rolls, change orders, or redesigns.

The Pros and Cons of Power Production Guarantees for Solar Installations

Learn how production guarantees can build trust and incentivize conservative estimates while considering drawbacks and balancing homeowner expectations.

3 Reasons Why Top-Down Drone Photos Don’t Eliminate Human Error in Solar Designs

Discover the reasons why this method falls short and how a full drone-based survey can save time, reduce risk, and improve quality of final designs.

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