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How TPO Financing Changes the Paradigm for Accuracy in Solar

13 Minute Read, July 30, 2024

40% of TPO (Third Party Owner) submissions are rejected due to poor shading analysis, often caused by inaccurate remote imagery and manual design processes. It's time to remove the subjectivity from your shading. Download our free ebook on TPO financing and discover how to enhance solar shading accuracy, production estimates, and site data collection. Simplify your path to faster TPO approvals today!

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How the Newest Tech Can Elevate Your Sales Game

33 Minute Read, May 31, 2024

Differentiation and efficiency are more important now than ever in solar sales! This ebook reveals how new technology like drones and photogrammetry software can help you stand out from the competition, design more accurate layouts, and both sell systems and confirm measurements in a single truck roll.

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Turn Your Service Department Into a Revenue Center

22 Minute Read, December 14, 2023

Solar is now the number one new energy source added to the grid each year. The sustained popularity of solar and rise in orphaned systems leads to both an issue and opportunity for operations and maintenance (O&M). The goal of this ebook is to create awareness regarding the opportunity, recommended hardware, and software technology required to launch a revenue generating O&M program.

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Why Does Solar Shade Analysis Matter Now More Than Ever?

20 Minute Read, November 22, 2023

This ebook dives into why shading analysis is so crucial today, a brief history of shading tools, how to conduct a thorough analysis, and how technology enhances vegetation management strategies. From SunEyes and LiDAR to drones, learn how technology is eliminating the gap between forecasted and actual production.

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Solar Accuracy eBook

17 Minute Read, August 24, 2023

The solar industry’s reliance on manual site surveys and outdated remote imagery lead to an enormous amount of wasted time, with most delays being connected to a single cause: inaccuracy. Download our eBook to learn about the accuracy challenges in solar, how inaccuracy wastes time throughout the solar value chain, and what you can do about it!

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How To Build A 21st-Century Solar Site Surveying Program

34 Minute Read, July 31, 2023

Scanifly data shows that poor internal surveys are a leading cause of errors throughout the solar value chain. This handbook delivers top recommendations for leveling up your electrical, structural, and property surveying process. Build training regimen and company-wide standards to do the best internal surveys possible and reduce revisions, change orders, and delays on install day.

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2023 Solar Designer Outlook

15 Minute Read, March 2, 2023

After polling hundreds of solar professionals, we created this eBook about Designers to share insights and ideas for improving the quality and efficiency of your team’s design workflow.

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2023 Solar Surveyor Outlook

15 Minute Read, March 2, 2023

After polling hundreds of solar professionals, we created this eBook about Surveyors to share insights and ideas for improving the quality and safety of your team’s surveying process.

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2022 Solar Surveyor & Designer Outlook

18 Minute Read, June 20, 2022

This year's Outlook focuses on deepening our understanding of surveying methods and their impacts on the solar workflow, plus the industry's evolving perceptions around drones and tech.

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How to Build a Solar Drone Program Handbook

36 Minute Read, May 12, 2021

Building a solar drone program can be done quickly, easily, and at a low cost. This handbook is intended to be an exhaustive step-by-step guide for how to do this. Our goal was to cover any potential question you had.

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2021 Solar Surveyor & Designer Outlook

14 Minute Read, March 23, 2021

After polling hundreds of solar professionals for over a year, we created this eBook to share ideas for improving the efficiency, safety, and accuracy in your survey and design process.

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A Scaniflyer's Guidebook: Flying Drones for Solar Surveying & Design

38 Minute Read, October 1, 2019

This Guidebook is the official instruction manual for Scanifly users flying drones for solar surveying and design.

 Accuracy Pledge

“With Scanifly, the project’s layout, design, and installation are consistent throughout the project workflow, eliminating change orders.”